Operation Walk Manitoba


Nicaragua Orthopaedic Mission 2016

Dr. Klippenstein and several of his OR coworkers have been participants in Operation Walk Winnipeg, a humanitarian surgical team that has travelled to the Central American country of Nicaragua to perform total knee replacements on an annual basis. As one of the two Canadian teams on this initiative, this interdisciplinary group of volunteers raises their own support, receives donated knee implants from two orthopaedic supply companies, and collects the funds and supplies necessary to perform 60 to 70 knee replacements on underprivileged citizens over the course of a week. As a further initiative to help this cause, Dr. Klippenstein collects used knee braces from his patients to distribute to needy recipients there. Read Dr. Klippenstein’s talk, “Reflections on Operation Walk 2016” presented the following year at a fund-raising event.